1.  Do whatever you want, when you want. 

2.  You can't mess with people when they retire to their bedroom.  If they pass out in common areas, they are fair game.

Member Profile

Kiel F.

Mendyrig.com Board Member


Kiel (pronounced "Kyle") is an annual favorite on Manweek.  Every group needs a Kiel.  Kiel is the guy who is willing to go with the flow no matter what.  He is loyal like a dog, makes you laugh til you cry, and keeps the group headed in the right direction in the fun department and is never short on beer.

In 2013, Kiel had a time traveling experience.  Upon arrival at Cass Lake that year (the 1 year we didn't go to Vermillion), Kiel started one of the strongest benders known to man.  Staying up through the first night and pounding beers for 72 hours straight with a few passouts in between.  When he finally came to on Tuesday, he didn't know what day it was and thought we had just arrived.  God bless you, Kiel.  He's the Bears fan at the left.

The philosophy of Manweek is that you do whatever the fuck you want. 


Mendyrig.com was born on December 14th, 2014 but has really been a passion for it's founders for quite some time.  In 2007, a group of friends decided that they needed to schedule a "Manweek" in the north woods of Minnesota.  They needed to get away.  Get away from their wives, their kids, their bills, their jobs, and society.  These men needed a place where they could burp, fart, drink, chew, smoke, eat, sleep, have dance contests, play cribbage, have margarita day, take their shirts off, and of course fish...without the watchful eye of society's gaze.

So, since that year, the group has grown in size.  Some participants have come and gone.  Which is fine, because new blood serves to provide energy for such things.  As our passion has grown over the years, we felt compelled to share what we've learned in the hopes of inspiring others to create their own Manweek.

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